Work Experience

Work experience helps learners understand and develop the employability skills and positive ‘can-do’  attitude  employers are looking for. For many learners it helps them understand their own strengths, and areas for development, it builds confidence in handling new situations and in working within a team of adults. It helps young people connect their education with their future working lives and provides real opportunities to become clearer about their future career options.

Many students gain a valuable experience through work experience which allows them to develop their employability skills and ‘blossom’ in such an environment, finding new reserves of initiative and maturity. They clearly develop a sense of the demands of the workplace and working life, and some may indeed continue in such jobs when they leave school. Often such jobs will link them to further educational and vocational qualifications.

Ms Ollie Riches
Work Experience Co-ordinator
Ms Michelle Sullivan
Work Experience Co-ordinator

Important Information

Work Experience will take place from:

Monday 30th June - 11th July 2025

Please avoid booking holidays in this time as this is a valuable opportunity for your child which we cannot provide at any other time.

Work Experience Timeline

  • All paperwork will need to be returned to school for the attention of Ms Riches or Ms Sullivan by Friday 28th February 2025. 
  • Ensure that any medical conditions and regular medications are declared in a separate letter for the attention of Ms Riches / Ms Sullivan.
  • Students must contact the employer 4 weeks before placement is due to start to check that the employer is still expecting them.

It is really important that parents support their child through the work experience process.

Please remember this is an experience of work and it is not always feasible to obtain experience in a possible future career pathway, so it may be worth your child looking at something that will give them experience suitable for part time work for when they are at college or looking for an apprenticeship.

Please make a note of the dates mentioned in the timeline, in particular reminding your child to contact their placement 4 weeks before their placement is due to start to arrange a meeting to confirm final arrangements. Students will be reminded to do this on several occasions leading up to the start date, to avoid any issues so that your child is clear about

  • Start and Finish times
  • Dress code
  • Name of person to ask for on the first day
  • Job role
  • Time of lunch breaks

It is also essential that if your child is making their own way to the placement they have a practise run beforehand (half term/weekends are ideal for doing this), check bus times if applicable, route etc.

Ms Riches and Ms Sullivan deal with all aspects of work experience. If you have any questions or problems about your child’s work experience, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time between now and the end of the work experience fortnight.

What Year 10 students have said about work experience...

I was really scared on my first day, but everyone was really friendly, they took me around to all the different departments and showed me what to do. I never used to like answering the phone before but I don't mind now.

I am a lot more confident in school since I did my work experience. I really didn't want to do it but glad that I did as now I know what I want to do when I leave school

I really enjoyed my work experience, I got to work with different people, I gave a presentation to some staff. I have a lot more confidence now.

My placement was great; I am going to apply for an Apprenticeship next year!

I LOVED my work experience, I know that this is what I want to do when I leave college... I can't wait!

I was so tired for the first few days, I thought that when I left school that I wanted to work with small children.. I don't want to now; they cry so much.

What previous employers have said about our students...

Wow... put some of the adults to shame, came back from lunch early, got on with the work, is a natural and not afraid to muck in.

Helped set up events, did a presentation to students and did very well

Did very well, one of the best we have had - turned up on time each day (7:30AM start), didn't say much to start with but soon settled in.

We hadn't taken anyone on work experience before. Really pleased we were able to give a young person this opportunity, we were very impressed with them!

useful links

Work Experience Template Letter

Arranging your own work experience placement

UK Business Directories

Important Documents