SEND – Cognition & Learning

Support for learning difficulties may be required when children and young people learn at a slower pace than their peers, even with appropriate differentiation.

Learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs, including moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD), where children are likely to need support in all areas of the curriculum and associated difficulties with mobility and communication, through to profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), where children are likely to have severe and complex learning difficulties as well as a physical disability or sensory impairment.

Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), affect one or more specific aspects of learning. This encompasses a range of conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.


Cognitive Ability Profile of Need

Needs profile 0:

  • Cognitive abilities above or within broad average levels or with a mild delay. Working above, within or slightly below the age expectations of EYFS.
  • Cognitive abilities above or within broad average levels.
  • Quotient scores on standardised assessments 85+.

Needs profile 1:

  • Some learning difficulties, shows some difficulties with conceptual understanding, (e.g. colours, shapes), symbolic, imaginative & make believe play.
  • Some evidence of child working below age appropriate achievement within EYFS.
  • Cognitive assessment below the 15th centile or a standardised score of 75 – 80.

Needs profile 2:

  • Moderate learning difficulties in acquiring basic conceptual understanding (e.g. colours, shapes), symbolic, imaginative and make believe play.
  • Working below the age expectations of EYFS.
  • Mild to moderate learning difficulties. Cognitive assessment below the 5th centile or a standardised score of 70 – 75.

Needs profile 3:

  • Moderate to severe learning difficulties, significant delay acquiring basic conceptual understanding (e.g. colours, shapes), symbolic, imaginative & make believe play.
  • Rate of learning & acquiring new skills is slow.
  • Significantly (½ chronological age) below age expectations of EYFS.
  • Needs are long term.
  • Cognitive assessment below 2nd centile or a standardised score of 55 to 70.

Needs profile 4:

  • Severe learning difficulties and global delay, affecting self-help and ability to function independently.
  • Unable to access and make any progress within EYFS without significant interventions and adult support.
  • Needs are severe, long term and complex.
  • Cognitive assessment below 0.5 centile or a standardised score of below 55.


Specific Learning Difficulties Profile of Need

Needs profile 0:

  • Cognitive abilities within broad average levels and above.
  • Reasoning skills fine.
  • No EAL.

Needs profile 1:

  • Some difficulty with subject specific / polysyllabic words.
  • Notable phonic versions of spellings.
  • Reading 2-3 yrs behind CA.
  • May have fine and/or gross motor difficulties.
  • Dyslexia screening test at risk quotient (DST ARQ) 1.0 – 1.4.

Needs profile 2:

  • Mild learning difficulties.
  • Needs differentiated work and support with conceptual understanding and reasoning across the core curriculum.
  • Cognitive assessment below the 5th centile or a standardised score of 70-75 or presents with a very uneven cognitive profile.

Needs profile 3:

  • Very uneven profile of skills.
  • Difficulty in all literacy based subjects.
  • Severe difficulties with HF words.
  • Reading 6-7 years behind CA.
  • Severe fine or gross motor difficulties.
  • DST ARQ 2.0+.

Needs profile 4:

  • Severe difficulties in accessing any written material.


How do we assess students with Cognitive or Learning Needs?

We use the following methods to asses students in this area:

  • Review of previous school’s data and assessments.
  • Screen tests in reading:
    - ARTi – all year groups in September.
    - Accelerated Reader Screen Test Yr 7 & 8 July.
  • New intake in September:
    - Cognitive Ability Test Yr 7 – September.
    - Literacy Baseline Test – KS3 – September.
    - Numeracy Baseline Test – KS3 – September.
  • Specialist Assessments:
    - Dyslexia Screening Test (DST).
    - WRAT 4.


Cognition and Learning Interventions

The following programmes are available:

  • Learning Development Groups.
  • Literacy Programmes:
    - Accelerated Reader.
    - Lit Programme.
    - Units of Sound.
  • Numeracy Programmes:
    - Numicon.
    - My Maths.