For an overview of the pathways through the curriculum, please see our information page here.
Welcome to the SCIENCE GCSE
All students receive a minimum of 2 Science GCSEs.
The content of these GCSEs will be taught as separate subjects; Biology, Chemistry and Physics along two pathways.
The aims of the Science GCSE course is to:
- Develop an understanding of scientific methodology (e.g. investigating, writing conclusions, data analysis)
- Broaden the students understanding of the world around them
- Develop an understanding of the technological and environmental applications of science.
Double Award Science will be taught as three separate subjects: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The most engaged students will be given the option of studying Separate Sciences, which delivers greater depth and is a stepping stone to Science A-Levels and STEM careers.
Students will learn a wide range of content from these subjects through investigating and problem solving. The Science curriculum requires motivation and independence from students in order for them to have a deep understanding of the content.
Combined Science
At the end of Year 11 students will sit 6 exams, each one 1 hour 15 minutes long.
Students will sit 2 Biology exams, 2 Chemistry exams, and 2 Physics exams. The results of these
exams will be combined to give the student an average grade which will count for 2 full GCSEs.
Separate Sciences
At the end of Year 11 students will sit 6 exams, each one 1 hour 45 minutes long. Students will sit 2 Biology exams, 2 Chemistry exams, and 2 Physics exams. The results of these exams will be 3 distinct GCSEs for each of the Sciences.
All students within their learning, will take part in required practical’s. These practical’s will be logged in their books. Within their exams, students could be asked to recall information about these required practical’s.