SEND Support
In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice (2015), we believe a graduated approach is the most effective way to help students find strategies to overcome the barriers which prevent them learning.
At Admiral Lord Nelson School, SEN support takes the form of a cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what interventions support the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes.
It can draw upon more detailed approaches, more frequent reviews and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to the Special Educational Needs of the young person.
High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised to meet the needs of the student is delivered within the classroom.
When a concern is raised, the following steps are taken:
- Discussion with parents and student.
- The situation is assessed – Outcomes decided upon e.g whether an intervention is appropriate or not.
- Intervention planned (if appropriate) –clear targets and outcomes decided, roles of key staff, parents and child are described identified with review meeting date.
- Intervention implemented, base line assessment completed.
- Review meeting (parent child key staff) results of intervention assessed and impact of each persons’ participation– successful outcomes recorded.
- If successful- Next cycle of intervention decided upon or monitoring.
- If limited success or no successful outcomes – Outcomes reviewed -form of intervention reviewed and additional interventions or changes made Review date set but with a shorter time span.
At ALNS we believe that students learn best within the context of the mainstream classroom. We have a graduated approach to providing support for learning.
High quality teaching, differentiated and personalised to meet the needs of the student, is delivered allowing collaborative peer learning and assessment to take place to support the individual through the full range of social experience.
Additional ‘wrap around’ support at Department or Head of Year level providing extra provisions for the classroom teacher.
Specialist Special Educational Need interventions developed and monitored in liaison with outside agencies and Specialist Teachers
Education Health Care Plans statutory provision provided for our most vulnerable students
All teachers are informed about the needs, successful strategies and progress of individual students through the SEND Register, Provision Map and Student ‘Snapshots’ (a brief profile sheet of students with SEND). Students receive 1:1 mentoring time each term to discuss their progress and targets.
At Admiral Lord Nelson School, classroom teachers make regular assessments of all students and identify students making less than expected progress in relation to others of the same age and circumstances. This includes progress in other areas e.g. social needs.
Classroom teachers may differentiate and personalise the curriculum for students with special educational needs by targeting areas of weakness and providing additional support using:
- Visual resources
- Physical resources
- Scaffolding – writing frameworks to provide prompts and sentence openers to allow students to structure their work and remember specific writing techniques.
- Glossaries of technical vocabulary
- Literacy strategies
- Numeracy strategies
- Diagnostic interventions to gather evidence and target resources effectively
This will include steps such as:
- Department Interventions
- Additional adult support
- Reporting systems
- After school activities
- Peer mentoring
- Additional pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of young people and developing strategies to improve emotional and social development (including measures to prevent bullying).
These interventions will include programmes such as:
- Learning development programmes including literacy and numeracy interventions
- Speech, language and communication programmes
- Emotional literacy interventions
- Working with outside agencies and specialist teachers to deliver bespoke recommendations.
Education Health Care Plans
- Coordinating and delivering the support package agreed for students with EHCPs.
- Reviewing and evaluating impact of provision with parents, student and professionals working with the student.
At Admiral Lord Nelson School teaching and learning and the progress made by students with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) is a core part of the professional development of all staff.
Any related staff development needs are identified and addressed throughout the year and annually in the School Improvement Plan.
Expertise and resources to address SEND are regularly reviewed and built upon to improve whole school provision through the School Improvement Plan.
At Admiral Lord Nelson School we value the knowledge and experience you have of your child and believe that working together is the best way to achieve successful outcomes.
At Admiral Lord Nelson School we will listen to your concerns, decide if your child has significant special educational needs and if an intervention would be beneficial.
At Admiral Lord Nelson School staff will make sure interventions and their outcomes are reviewed. Review dates and how the outcomes are communicated will be agreed when intervention programmes are planned.